Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Gay Rights Crossing Borders

One of the most talked about conflicts the government is dealing with right now is gay marriage. As you all know, this has been a topic on the front of many newspapers recently due to all of the activity going on in the Supreme Court. This really doesn't have anything to do with either of the pieces of literature were focusing on right now, but gay marriage making moves and crossing borders seems like a significant enough topic to be discussed right now.

Gay marriage has been illegal and looked down upon for a very long time. The past few years, however, the gay community and it's supporters have really been pushing the government to give them equal rights. Long ago, it started off that almost everyone was against gay marriage because the Catholic religion was so prominent and said that marriage must be between a man and a woman. Today, however, this border is being crossed and gay marriage is much more widely accepted and supported. This issue deals with a few different kinds of borders directly. First there is a minority and majority border. Once upon a time, it was the majority to be straight, for a man to marry a woman, and to not accept the gay/lesbian minority. This is not the case anymore, it is much more acceptable to be gay and a huge population of the country is for gay marriage and equality. Next, there is a legislative border that this group is trying to cross over and break. Since there are laws in many states against gay marriage and in few states approving gay marriage, these people are relying on the Supreme Court to help them break this border and give them equal marriage opportunities.

There are also borders that are indirectly related. This photo has been circulating around all of the social networking websites for a few weeks and I think it makes a great point. It relates right now and people who are against gay marriage to 40 years ago when many people would protest against race equality. This race border of the past, shared the same two direct borders that gay marriage faces today: minority/majority and the legislative. It is mocking how people actually used to try to stop the integration of races when today there is little discrimination and laws treat all races the same. It was dumb of people to try to stop this from happening when it is inevitable and right. This comic strip says that this is just how we will look back on gay marriage and equality. Those who are trying to stop it now will look back later and life and realize that this is a border that is meant to be crossed and destroyed.


  1. I think this post is really good! It is a super relevant issue to these recent few weeks news headlines. This leads me to think that if we can knock down the borders of racism from 40 years ago, we can certainly do the same with gay marriage. Similarly, we should be able to do the same with all these other mental and arbitrarily designated borders that exist. DIscrimination and inequality should not exist in any form, in my opinion, as these borders can very easily be knocked down

  2. I thought that this blog post was very well written. Gay rights has been such a touchy issue for many years and it is great to see that it is getting closer and closer to finally being a border that no longer exists. I recently saw a touching picture of people rallying agaisnt the hateful signs and displays outside of Westboro Baptist Church. The patrons of Westboro Baptist Church are very anti gay and anti war. They have been known to rally outside of funerals of U.S. soldiers and are among the most hated groups in America. The following link is to a photo of a group of college students making a literal border between the funeral of a soldier and a group of rallying patrons of Westboro Baptist Church.
