Monday, April 8, 2013

Carving Up the Sky map

The stars that appear in the night sky have been a matter of interest to every civilization.  Many different interpretations have arisen concerning the meaning of stars, as well as many different constellations have been fathomed.  The Radical Cartography map "Carving Up the Sky" focuses on five different views of the stars including the unbiased natural sight, the eclipses, the Chinese sky, the Ancient Greek sky, and the Modern Western sky.  It is amazing to compare these wholly unique and separate views of the stars side by side.  The first view of the stars is completely biased, containing no borders, but only what is seen by any human eye.  On the other hand, the Chinese, Ancient Greek, and Modern Western interpretations of the stars place borders in the night sky.

I am choosing to focus on the borders that are present in the modern Western sign.  Specifically, I take interest in the astrological signs that have been created in the modern Western night sky.  There are twelve astrological signs that each span across 30 degree increments of the night sky.  These signs include: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. The astrological signs in the stars have been translated into categories for humans born under each specific sign.  Each sign has a multitude of common defining characteristics that the humans born under them are supposed to possess.  The characteristics that define each sign place borders between the other signs.  For instance, some signs are thought to be more compatible with certain signs.  For those who are believers in astrology, this may create a border between non-compatible signs in terms of relationships.  It is a wonder that astrology theorizes such distinct differences in people that could be born mere days apart.  For this reason, it is often believed that astrology is not the most concrete of theories. Personally, I am highly interested in astrology and find that is possesses some merit.  I find it particularly interesting when friends or family of mine will display traits typical to those of their astrological sign.  Astrology creates borders between different types of people, yet it also gives us a context in which to compare ourselves in relation to others. Astrology can be used to shed light unto personal strengths and flaws.  It can be used to "find" aspects of our individual selves within a larger individual group. For example, Pisces are said to be very sensitive and emotional, while Aries (only a few days and 30 degrees of sky separating them) are said to be headstrong and ambitious.  Humans can fit into specific astrological borders, using it as a means to identify with others.



  1. It is definitely intersting to think of these patterns of stars as borders. Like you have stated, different signs can be labeled for people born only days apart. This does not make much sense to me seeing how closely they were born. So, if these people are considered to be incompatible, what is the reasoning? Different borders such as these can influence our decisions and opinions. It makes me wonder what other decisions and opinions people take from their view of the stars.

  2. I would have never came up with the idea that stars and astrology could be a border, but you made me realize that they really are. The astrological signs and horoscopes make me think of the similar Chinese representatives there are for each year people are born. My sister and I used to have so much fun with the menus at the restaurants seeing who we were and how we were said to get along. You said in your post how it possesses some merit but is not totally reliable and I agree. We thought it was the most interesting that both of my parents (who went through a terrible divorce) were boars and they were said to NEVER mate with another boar. In this case, horoscope was actually right.

    I think what it is that makes this decision and decides that they are incompatible, are the traits assigned to each horoscope. These traits are what set the borders for people in relationships. For instance, if people of a certain horoscope, lets pretend Leo, is said to be a very headstrong and work based person, then it would make sense that two Leos would not get along very well because they would be constantly butting heads and gone all the time.

  3. Another interesting thing to consider is the way we interpret horoscopes based on our personal experience. Personally, I know I always tailor my horoscope in the newspaper to the events that are specific to my life. However, my mom is able to apply the same short message to her completely distinct set of experiences. I would be interested to see what would happen if we took a set of daily horoscopes, jumbled up the corresponding signs, and handed them to people. Would each individual still be able to relate to the post that has been selected for his or her sign? Although I'm by no means an astrological expert, I expect that while horoscopes should be defined by the borders between signs, the less reliable sources tend to tear down these walls and provide the readers with general messages that really only cover the gray area that is applicable to all people.
