Friday, March 8, 2013

Citing blogs

Here's how you should cite a blog post, if you're using one in your paper:

Lastname, Firstname, “Title of individual blog entry.” Weblog entry. Title of Weblog. Date posted. Date accessed (URL).

Groff, Christina. "It Came From Del Rio Theme Song." Border Lords: Spring 2013. 5 March 2013. Accessed 8 March 2013 (

I used Christina's most recent post as an example.

And if you wanted to cite a post parenthetically, just use the poster's last name, so it would look like this (Groff).

If you're not sure who wrote a post-- like if the poster's name at the very bottom is a nickname or just not clear-- you can just cite the post by the title, like this ("It Came From Del Rio Theme Song").

And happy spring break!

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